Our Confidentiality Promise - Uberheroes

Our Confidentiality Promise

Confidentiality means not telling anyone else about what you have said to our Uberheroes, what is said to them through the advice line remains between you and our Uberheroes. However if you share with us something that could mean that you are worried about how safe you are or you are scared of someone hurting you then we may need to tell someone else to get you the help you need

We will only speak to someone else:-

  • If you ask us to, we will reach out on your behalf
  • If we think you’re being hurt by someone who you’re meant to trust, who may also be in contact with other children, such as a Teacher, Coach, Youth leader
  • If we believe you or someone else is in severe danger
  • If you share with us that you are seriously harming yourself or considering harming another person

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