Shimna Integrated College - Uberheroes

Shimna Integrated College

Shimna Integrated College

Mrs Karen Caulfield, VP at Shimna Integrated College, Newcastle, remarked about their involvement with the Uberheroes® programme

Our year 8 students really enjoyed the Uberheroes visit in January 2018. At the end of the session, the students overwhelmingly agreed that they were better informed about cyber-bullying and self-harm. Almost all reported that they felt confident that they would know how to best respond if faced with either issue in the future.
Whilst I value the importance of talking openly about these sensitive issues, I was concerned that some of the students would find the content distressing but this was not the case. The kids identified with and really enjoyed using a “superheroes” comic book to explore the challenges faced by some young people.

We are very much looking forward to having Dee and her team back to Shimna next year.

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