NICIE - Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education - Uberheroes

NICIE – Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education

NICIE – Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education

Uberheroes® has been recognised as an excellent tool by Integrated Education. The Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) is delighted that their schools are working with this new, innovative and engaging programme. CEO, Roisin Marshall, said, “The mental health and wellbeing of young people is paramount and with the many pressures on them it is great that the Uberheroes® programme is available. To have such a programme, whose USP is to enable young people to discuss and problem-solve issues without being vulnerable or exposed, is invaluable. By looking at how the issues relate to the characters in the stories rather than to them directly makes this a safe way of approaching some very difficult subjects and topics. We support and wish Hope4life every success with the Uberhero programme”.

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