Millennium Integrated Primary School - Uberheroes

Millennium Integrated Primary School

Millennium Integrated Primary School

Mr Barry Corrigan, P7 Teacher and Vice Principal at Millennium Integrated Primary School, Carryduff remarked after the Uberheroes® facilitators visited the school

“’The arrival of the Uberheroes® in school caused quite a stir amongst the children in my class. Children of this age tend not to get too excited by the arrival of guests but this was certainly not the case here; once the Uberheroes® began discussing the important themes involved, they took time to listen. As a standard, it is difficult to get children to engage with mental health and resilience issues as they can be very self-conscious. However, by facilitating the discussions midway through and letting them take the lead this gave the children the opportunity to focus on what was being discussed and to decide what the outcomes from these discussions should be. In what are very pressurised and ‘full-on’ lives for our children, it is good to know that there is a programme available for them to fully engage with and have a safe and secure environment in which to discuss some difficult subjects.

It is important that our children and young people are given the opportunity to address these issues and react in a range of different forms beyond the simple teacher at the top of the class approach and the Uberheroes® programme gives us a new and dynamic way in which to enable children to have these important conversation but to uncover ways to prevent these from being issues in the future.

I believe that our children learnt a great deal in an engaging and safe environment where they were able to have frank and honest discussions whilst uncovering solutions to difficult issues.”

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