Lisneal College
Mrs Thompson, at Lisneal College, Derry, remarked about their involvement with the Uberheroes® programme
The session was excellent and the facilitators were superb. The issues raised were difficult but the comic strip helped the pupils detach themselves and therefore help the victim in each situation. It is easier to offer advice than accept it or admit it to yourself so the comic hero façade is perfect for their age group.
They were so eager to read on and access the website for more ideas. We read the ‘Drug’ poem, dramatized it in class and discussed the serious issue. The whole Uberheroes concept works because it’s not a lecture, it’s not judgemental, it’s fun and accessible as well as engaging and thought provoking. The circle time after the reading session was essential and the discussion helped the pupil’s problem solve and approach mental health issues (and solutions) safely and honestly. The conversations helped them to see a way forward for people with mental health issues, allowed them to talk about coping strategies which they can hopefully use on themselves and their friends or peers.
Below are a selection of comments, by the pupils at Lisneal College.
Reece says, “The book is brilliant and it teaches you to help other people that are in need.”
Codie says, ‘Five stars all the way! Dee and Campbell were very informative, friendly and knowledgeable’
Jude says, ‘I think it really helps people understand how the people with problems feel and what their emotional state is like. The villains and superheroes thing helps people understand the issues better. ‘
Kaleb, ‘I love the comic but I don’t like the cliff-hangers….because I want to know if the problem was solved.’
Back Issues

Uberheroes: Missed Opportunities

Uberheroes: Acceptance

Uberheroes: No Man’s Land

Uberheroes: Lockdown

Uberheroes: Suspicion

Uberheroes: Common Ground

Uberheroes: Who Cares?

Uberheroes: High Tide

Uberheroes: Deliverance

Uberheroes Vol 2: Koinooneke

Uberheroes Vol 1: Koinooneke

Uberheroes Vol 1: Erebus, Hypnos, Thanatos

Uberheroes Vol 1: Yanah Shephel

Uberheroes Vol 2: Genesis