Represents: Faith, this is broader than religious faith, although that might be included, but it is mainly incorporating faith and confidence in herself, faith in the power of good to overcome, faith in people.
Build: Tall, broad shouldered and strong looking.
Attitude: Confident, trusting
Real Name: Faith
Occupation: Mediator
Super Powers: Fiducia has unshakeable confidence in herself and is able to affect similar confidence in others simply by touch. She can also devastate belief and confidence of almost any villain by touch. She is unswervingly optimistic, fiercely loyal to those she believes in and totally immovable in her support of others.
Mode of hero transport: Fiducia travels faster than the speed of light, no one knows if she runs, flies or teleports, she simply appears where she needs to be.
Uber Physical description: Fiducia is Icelandic, broad-shouldered, almost 6 foot tall, blonde with blue eyes.